video installation, color, 3.84:1, stereo, be, 2021, 15’05”
an augmented sand sculpture, enriched with a virtual layer that resembles an ocean surface on top of the sand layer, but feels completely alien at the same time. the soundscape elevates a journey through an extraterrestrial topography, dissolving the borders between material and immaterial, real and virtual. the sculpture acts like a shapeshifter: hypermaterials taking on various forms, improvising on the original. the soundtrack is diffused through two speakers: one edited at the bottom of the table carrying the sand model, and one below a thin plate carrying grains of sand. below the thin plate, the speaker makes the grains of sand vibrate, creating miniature shapeshifting sandscapes on the tones of the soundtrack. these miniatures are filmed with a pinhole camera and shown on screen, providing another window into a strange new world.