10 July 2019
4k video, color, 3.98:1, stereo, be, 2019, 3’24″
a 1963 timelapse recording shows the effects of air pollution during an entire day on Santa Monica Bay in Los Angeles. a machine interpretation of an unstable version of the original file is divided into slits and rearranged in time, giving rise to a time panorama that mirrors an uncertain, abstract future lying ahead of us.
Muestra Internacional de Video Arte Faenza, Santiago de Cuba (CU) & Bogotá (CO) • ALC videoart festival, Alicante (ES)
Besides the Screen, Porto (PT) & Vitória (BR) • Zero Years, Zomerfabriek, Antwerp (BE) • Proceso de Error, Valparaíso (CL)
Leuven International Short Film Festival, Labo 1: Alternative Realities, Leuven (BE) • X-Ray: KASKkrakers, KASKcinema, Ghent (BE) • Thessaloniki Animation Festival, international competition, Thessaloniki (GR) • DOBRA – Festival Internacional de Cinema Experimental, Rio de Janeiro (BR) • Ars Electronica, The Best of Computer Animation, Data Narration, Linz (AT)